Organik Upgrades For Klimax DS and Klimax DSM

We are pleased to announce that all Klimax DS and Klimax DSM variants have now been added to the list of products which can be upgraded with Organik DAC – even the very first Klimax DS model from 2007 – further enhancing Linn’s fundamental commitment to sustainability, upgradeability and delivering prolonged customer value.

Upgrading older Klimax DS/DSM with Organik will involve a full board replacement. This will deliver huge added value by bringing this older generation of product up to the current Klimax DSM platform, enabling support for DSD256 and 384kHz networked streaming.                           

Organik Upgrade for Klimax DS and Klimax DSM (all variants) £5,400.

Organik upgrades also available for:
Klimax Exaktbox £5,400
Klimax 350 Integrated Loudspeakers: £10,800

Contact us for information, demonstration, and to arrange your ORGANIK upgrade.