Join Brian and Trevor at The North West Audio Show

Join Brian and Trevor at The North West Audio Show
Cranage Hall (De Vere Cranage Estate), Cheshire
Saturday June 23rd 10am – 6pm
Sunday June 24th 10am – 5pm

This is a great audio show!!

Last year as in previous years, we enjoyed welcoming many people to our room and we are of course looking forward to this year’s show where we will install one of our demonstration systems in the Mercer Room, our regular Audio Show room.

We will be playing recorded music on vinyl and digital formats as well as Source upgrade presentations from Booplinth, Quadraspire and Chord Cables.

There will lots of opportunities to chat and for advice.

Brands we will feature at the show include Booplinth, Chord Cables, Puritan Audio, Quadraspire, Innuos, Linn, REL.

We look forward to seeing you.

Register for the show here: